Alternative Meat: Product Design & Customer Needfinding

Challenge Lab

INDENG 185 (4 Units)

Class Description

Research why people might choose alternatives to meat and build a business concept around what you find. This class is a deep dive into ethnographic design research to uncover latent needs surrounding the consumption of meat and its alternatives. We will cover ethnographic interviewing and video creation, design-space modeling techniques, design thinking ideation tools, prototyping, idea validation, and business modeling.

Challenge Lab

Challenge Labs (INDENG 185) are classes for students of all academic backgrounds who seek a rigorous, interactive, team-based, and hands-on learning experience in entrepreneurship and technology. This course uses a unique pedagogy, The Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship that involves the use of games, industry guest speakers, team exercises, videos and labs to cover the early part of the startup lifecycle. Each Challenge Lab has a different theme. In this highly experiential course, students form start-up teams to create technology solutions or services to address a broadly-defined problem posed by an industry partner or social challenge.


Alt: Meat Lab

This class is part of SCET’s Alt: Meat Lab. The Alt: Meat Lab is a hub connecting students, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and industry leaders interested in creating the plant-based food of the future. First and foremost an academic resource, the Lab aims to research and educate. Led by Dr. Ricardo San Martin, the Lab works in conjunction with — but independent from — various partners on projects that put the Lab on the front lines of our changing culinary landscape. Although the Lab began its work replicating animal meat, the Lab is broadly interested in all types of animal products, including but not limited to eggs, dairy and seafood. The Alt:Meat Lab is housed at the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology at UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering, and is comprised of the Lab and a course.

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