Comfort Zone

Infographic of 3 Speakers featured in the series

‘Best of’ Series: A year learning from the brightest minds at SCET

At the Sutardja Center, we are committed to creating positive…

Shomit Ghose’s Inaugural Best of SCET Berkeley Talk-Crisis as a Catalyst

Pivoting from Adversity to Opportunity — In the Spring 2020 Emerging Tech and Social Impact Challenge Lab

The Spring 2020 semester started innocently enough. There was an…

BOOST: How 5 UC Berkeley Students Created a Test to Improve Your Well-being

Can a test be used to assess one’s well-being? Five…

Newton Series of the week: John Doerr

The famed venture capitalist’s lecture included how to recognize “The Next Big Thing,” the present and future of green technology, pointing out the flaws in the American education and health systems, the importance of networking and how to search for inspiration