Applied Innovation Review (AIR)


June 17, 2015


With contribution and editing from Berkeley’s Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology and Global Venture Lab (GVL) Faculty,  the inaugural issue of the Applied Innovation Review (AIR) is now available.   This first issue contains an opening letter from Dada Banatao, Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, and Chair of the PhilDev Foundation which is leveraging Entrepreneurship to develop the Philippine economy.   The issue features a mix of new  industry shifts and innovation models in Self-Driving Vehicle Strategies, Technology effects on Banking, Global Inclusion,  the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship as a Game Based Teaching Approach, and new forms of Cross-Disciplinary Global Teaching Models.

The Applied Innovation Review (AIR) is an on-line and in-print publication on special topics in Technology Business Innovation, New Venture Models and Education in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Unlike traditional business reviews, papers in AIR identify more current research, best practices and trends that can affect the global economy.  Information in AIR is intended to be effective, modern in style, insightful and useful for industry, policy makers and educators interested in participating in entrepreneurship & innovation. AIR papers and opinions may preview work work still in formation and that may be accepted by more formal journals at a later time.

The publication is open and free to share or post.  You may download individual articles or the entire publication at the links below.  We have also archived this first issue on  our site at Berkeley at


Applied Innovation Review (AIR),  Issue #1, June 2015

Special topics in Technology Business Innovation, New Venture Models and Education in Entrepreneurship. Download full publication or by paper title:
1. Self-driving Cars: Disruptive or Incremental?
2. Technology & Banking
3. Intersections of Applied Innovation and “Global Inclusive Scalable Ventures” for Inclusive Economic Development
4. A Game Based Method for Teaching Entrepreneurship, (Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship)
5. Mixing Engineering, Business and Design students in an International Cross-disciplinary Course on Innovation

Submissions for the June 2016 issue can be made at this link