Shomit Ghose

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Healthcare’s Most Impactful AI? The “Non-contact” Kind

By Shomit Ghose / October 15, 2019 / Comments Off on Healthcare’s Most Impactful AI? The “Non-contact” Kind

The World Health Organization reports that 45% of member states have less than one physician per 1,000 population. With the Kaiser Family Foundation reporting 27 million Americans lacking health coverage in 2017, access to healthcare is not just an issue in the developing world. These numbers help highlight healthcare’s two idealized goals: We will forever be driving…

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What We Need Now: Ethical AI

By Shomit Ghose / June 5, 2019 / Comments Off on What We Need Now: Ethical AI

By Shomit Ghose | June 5, 2019 Iron Man vs Terminator Revisited In the landscape of artificial intelligence, we still find ourselves balanced precariously between the twin outcomes of Iron Man and Terminator.  In the former, we adopt technologies to empower our human selves — as with the Marvel comic book character — to overcome our foremost challenges. …

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robot women in technology background

Artificial Intelligence and the Rumsfeld Test

By Shomit Ghose / October 10, 2018 / Comments Off on Artificial Intelligence and the Rumsfeld Test

“But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.” – United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, February 12, 2002 An artificial intelligence strategy is the corporate equivalent of your spleen: everyone has one, but not everyone understands quite what it will accomplish.  There are bold plans afoot everywhere in…

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Iron Man vs Terminator: Jobs in the AI Century

By Shomit Ghose / May 17, 2018 / Comments Off on Iron Man vs Terminator: Jobs in the AI Century

The AI Century The natural selection of economics has relentlessly pushed businesses and societies toward maximum efficiency.  It’s the principal force that fuels the start-up business models of today as they redefine and make more efficient the economics of tomorrow.  It’s this drive to maximum efficiency that’s given rise to disruptive, AI-driven business models that…

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Illustrated by Jiani Hou

The Red Queen and the Inevitability of the Amazoogle Business Model

By Shomit Ghose / February 28, 2018 / Comments Off on The Red Queen and the Inevitability of the Amazoogle Business Model

“Well, in our country,” said Alice, still panting a little, “you’d generally get to somewhere else—if you run very fast for a long time, as we’ve been doing.” “A slow sort of country!” said the Queen. “Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If…

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The Key to a Good M&A Outcome for Your Start-up? Getting Started Yesterday!

By Shomit Ghose / January 2, 2018 / Comments Off on The Key to a Good M&A Outcome for Your Start-up? Getting Started Yesterday!

Designing Good Exits: It’s Not Just for Architects None of us would feel comfortable in a building where no thought had been given to how to exit the structure.  A rushed and panicked egress would be dangerous, and no building has its first brick laid without viable exit paths being designed into its architecture. The…

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Beyond the Molecule and Beyond the Device: Machine Learning and the Future of Healthcare

By Shomit Ghose / August 21, 2017 / Comments Off on Beyond the Molecule and Beyond the Device: Machine Learning and the Future of Healthcare

“The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. That sucks.” – Jeffrey Hammerbacher, Facebook Hammerbacher’s Lament Are we fated to suffer Hammerbacher’s Lament, with our best minds, and our best data, solely serving the gods of commerce?  What of serving mankind’s existential needs in an area as fundamental…

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