Founded by the students with the support of UC Berkeley SCET Instructors, Startup With Purpose is a boot camp designed to teach students the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship. Successful entrepreneurs don’t achieve their success by accident; they weren’t just handed tools they needed to reach their goals. You don’t have to be Steve Jobs or Elon Musk to be a successful entrepreneur, but you do have to know how to innovate and bring your ideas to life, and more importantly, attract customers. But rarely in this world are the skills to do this teaching — and this need is at the core of the founding of Startup With Purpose.
Startup With Purpose will teach its participants how to build the tools of success from within. At Startup With Purpose, participants will learn how to recognize the talent that they have within themselves, and how to perfectly match those with talents with others in their teams. Team cohesion and communication is vital, and participants learn to mold their teams into a potent force around a singular idea. So when our graduates go on to create their next startup, they are not just guessing what the right moves might be, they begin knowing many of the types of challenges they will end up facing.
The effectiveness of this the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship goes well beyond the classroom and starting companies. This became apparent in Nice, France as Berkeley participants in another Berkeley program were present during Bastille Day terrorist attack. Even while stricken with horror, they were able to organize themselves, locate those in danger, those who had fallen, and coordinate rescue efforts and ways to keep everyone safe indoors. It was not until days later that they realized the profound effect their training had on their actions, transforming them into a potent force of both organization and sheer will. Some of the major leaders that emerged from the Nice attack are at the core of the founding team of Startup With Purpose.
*Kings Academy, Jordan
It doesn’t matter if it’s building a tech startup in a crowded economy, or negotiating power dynamics in a Fortune 500 company, these are life-changing lessons that are crucial navigating the world. It is imperative that these lessons are spread the world over, especially in places where the entrepreneurial mindset isn’t prevalent – and this is a major reason why we chose Jordan.
Jordan is distinctive in the region in that it produces a number of well educated and motivated individuals that are highly ambitious. However, sometimes they, unfortunately, fail to see the options right in front of them. In other words, despite drastic cultural differences – they’re just like us. Innovation is born out of challenge and dissonance, and we challenge students to step out of their own immediate comfort zone and expose themselves to a completely different atmosphere with students that are all striving to maximize their potential and contribute to their local communities and the world.
Startup with Purpose will be holding an info-session with the founders where students can learn about this unique opportunity to be part of the boot camp in Jordan.
Date and Time: November 14th 6 pm
Location: SCET Offices in the Memorial Stadium (Links to an external site.), Room 122
Please RSVP here to attend.
Program dates: January 6 – January 13, 2018
Location: Amman, Jordan
Program Price: $1,000.00 (flight to Jordan not included)
* $500 discount available for financial aid recipients.
To apply visit http://startupwithpurpos
Email questions to info@startupwithpurpose.net