Course Description
AI, machine learning and Big Data are well understood technologies, yet their applications in business are dominated by a small group of uber-practitioners, as exemplified by Amazon, Google and OpenAI. What do these companies know – and practice – that others do not? The Amazoogle class is an introduction into the strategy and technology of data-driven business models in the age of AI.
Beyond its application in well-known business sectors, the Amazoogle model also brings particular impacts in technology ethics and sustainability. Students in the class will learn the practices in building data-driven, AI-centric business models that strive to provide positive impact, both on the bottom line and in society.


Shomit Ghose
Shomit Ghose is a long-time Silicon Valley entrepreneur and venture capitalist. As an entrepreneur, he held every start-up role from engineer to CEO and was part of three IPOs. As a VC he’s served on many private and public company boards, and also serves on multiple entrepreneurial, industry and scientific advisory boards in the US and Europe. In his fifth year as a lecturer at Berkeley, Shomit also holds a dual appointment at UC Riverside, and is an adjunct professor in entrepreneurship and innovation at the University of San Francisco. Shomit is a Berkeley graduate with a degree in computer science.