Creatures Smart Leash

Alice Quesenberry, Gaurav Mehta, Jacob Fredrick, Stephen Liou, Weilin Ng

April 11, 2023


Humans depend on a multitude of smart devices and wearables to monitor their health and activity. For example, my smart watch is telling me to stand up because I’m sitting down writing this paper. However, even though we’ve grown to rely on these devices to keep ourselves healthy, we have not extended this valuable technology to our beloved pets. In fact, in the United States, 53% (48.3M) dogs are overweight or obese, contributing to a decrease in life expectancy and increased costs for pet owners who need to pay for expensive treatments for conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Creatures was founded on a passion for providing humans the information that they need to keep their pets healthy and happy by building smart pet products to deepen the bond between owner and companion with data visualization software. Creatures flagship product focuses on reducing obesity in dogs with the development of Smart LeashTM. Smart
LeashTM gives dog owners the ability to have a high Quality WalkTM with their trusty companions. The Creatures Smart LeashTM is a smartphone connected device which helps the human train their dog to not pull during walks, providing visual cues to the human and audible cues to the dog. With the Creatures Mobile AppTM, dog owners will view how often their dog pulls during a walk, where on the walk the dog pulls the most, and their average walking pace. This information is used to calculate the Creatures Quality WalkTM score, which both the dog and the dog owner can brag to their friends about using the Creatures Mobile AppTM.