Gender Workshop 2018


The next Gender Workshops will be on
September 30th, and October 28th, 2018

On September 30th and October 28th, the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET) will be hosting its first series of gender discussion workshops at SCET (Room 122 in Memorial Stadium) in partnership with the Haas School of Business. The workshops will focus on sharing stories and experiences through speakers and discussions to provide insights and feedback for both men and women.  These forums are being hosted by Gigi Wang, Industry Fellow & Faculty, SCET and Julie Shapiro, Director, Executive Programs, Haas Business School.  

In order to have more equity, more profitable and innovative companies, better relationships, and increased overall well-being more diversity and an understanding of its value is needed.

SCET is excited to further these efforts by promoting and discussing gender equality this fall. The workshops will be hosted from 1-5PM on each day, and are intended for students of all majors and genders at UC Berkeley. Each day will have an impressive speaker lineup, from women who are at the top of their fields in industry and academia and have had to navigate and challenge male-dominated fields, to men who are ‘leaning-in’ and advocating for greater equality as ‘manbassadors’ or mentors.

Although topics are mostly free-form, the discussions will center around issues such as confidence and self-projection, the roles of men as advocates and supporters, family balance, and building communities for men and women in order promote understanding. All students who are curious and would like to see change are welcome.

How to Register?

As previously mentioned, a large component of the workshops will be discussion-based for students to be able to deeply explore topics in speaker-led groups and have personal takeaways. The second session on October 28th is intended as a follow-up to the first, where students reflect on any new perspectives and changes, and it is strongly recommended to attend both workshop dates.

If you would like to participate in these Gender Discussion Forums, register here. You'll be asked for your preferred gender related topics and questions, from which the workshops will be planned around.
