Disrupt Berkeley welcomes students of all academic backgrounds to improve campus systems through entrepreneurship

Have you ever been frustrated by one or more of the UC Berkeley administrative systems? This coming fall, students have the chance to address problems and shortcomings with UC Berkeley administrative systems in the Challenge Lab course titled “Disrupt Berkeley.” The course, which still has open seats for enrollment, will address outdated and complicated UC Berkeley systems through experiential learning and entrepreneurship.
The course will teach students the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship and enable and encourage students to reform existing UC Berkeley administrative systems to become more useful and better functioning. Disrupt Berkeley is open to students of any major from diverse academic backgrounds.
The projects are mission-based and students will be dedicated to identifying and maximizing benefit to all stakeholders. Participants will work on identifying problems and solutions and taking explicit measurements to mark success. The expectation is that these will be real projects and solutions will be implemented to improve campus life.
Because of the entrepreneurial nature of the course, the projects will have actual, measurable social impact. Students will have the opportunity to give a final presentation to university administrators.
Students may choose from a variety of Berkeley systems, such as:
- The Applications, Admissions, Acceptance Process
- Financial Aid
- Course administration and grading within bCourses
- Hiring of Course Administrators
- Housing
- Meal plans
- Managing the Goldman parking lot project
- Fraternity and Sorority Systems
- Authorized vs. Non-authorized houses
- Disciplinary systems
- Athletics
- Student ticket plans
- Encouraging student attendance
- Media coverage of Cal sports
- Health care system, Tang Center
- Helping to organize the startup ecosystem
- https://decal.berkeley.edu
- Registration and Elections
- Notification of bills, Publication of voting results
- Registration of student organizations
- Grants
- Office space
- Managing table placement on Sproul Plaza
- UC Berkeley Police Department. Filing complaints. Coordination with City of Berkeley
- Campus alerts
- Free speech and speaker policy
- Co-op Housing
- Managing reservations at Jacobs Lab
- Licensing the Cal Brand
- Cal Branding: Cal vs. Stanford. Why does China love stanfurd?
- Cal rankings
- Cal Alumni services and alumni engagement. Alumni House. Cal cruises.
- Visiting Cal and the Cal experience. Student Tours, Koret Center, Merch
- Cal Band, Straw Hat Band. Promoting engagements, Pricing Model.
- Placement and Career Services
- Managing Dropout Rates
- Cal Central
- Class enrollment
The Disrupt Berkeley Challenge Lab is an elective, non-requisite 4-unit course offered listed in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research department as IEOR 185E. The course counts towards the Sutardja Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Technology. Learn more about the course at Disrupt Berkeley.