Blockchain Technology Collider
Learn about the emerging opportunities at the intersection of finance, security, and cryptography – and win $5000!
Blockchain is the underlying technology behind bitcoin. The technology contains the potential to change finance and banking as we know it. Marc Andreessen has called Bitcoin and the underlying “blockchain” technology a “breakthrough in computer science”.
Despite Bitcoin, blockchain technology has yet to achieve its “Netscape” moment that brings its promise to the mainstream. In 2015, the financial services industry began to invest in blockchain technology to reduce the cost and speed of back office processes. This project is designed to lead to new ventures, new innovations with collaborating firms, as well as project experience that can be used in the interview process for those interested in the related industries.
Join us for the Kickoff Event on March 2, 2016 at the SCET offices at Memorial Stadium. The event is 5:00pm to 7:30pm and is open to graduate and undergraduate students in engineering, finance, economics, mathematics or others interested in understanding and pursuing opportunities related to blockchain technology. RSVP here.
For more information on the collider, click here.
This event is being held in collaboration with the Center for Financial Reporting & Management (CFRM) at the Haas Business School.