A. Richard Newton Distinguished Innovator Lecture Series

This lecture series recognizes the entrepreneurial vision of A. Richard Newton, Dean of UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering from 2000 to 2007, by inviting distinguished innovators to share lessons from their own successes and failures. Hosted by the Pantas and Ting Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology, the lectures take place at UC Berkeley on Tuesday evenings.


John Steuart

Managing Director, Claremont Creek Venture

Tony Hsieh

CEO of Zappos and Alfred Lin, CFO/COO of Zappos

John Hanke

Director, Google Earth & Maps

Greg Gianforte

CEO, and founder, Right Now Technologies (sold to Oracle)

Ann Winblad

Co-founder Hummer Winblad Venture Partners. Author of Object-Oriented Software

Hartmut Esslinger

Founder & Designer, Frog Design Inc. and author Advice for Designers

Peter Vlastelica


Ian Sobieski

Founder and Managing Director of Band of Angels

Titus Brenninkmeijer

Founder Solgenix, LLC

Stacey Lawson

CET Co-founder & Berkeley Industry Fellow

Other Speakers:

Sabeer Bhatia, Co-founder Hotmail, Nanocity and Jaxtr

Judy Estrin, founder and CEO, JLabs/Packet Design Management Company, former CTO Cisco Systems and author Closing the Innovation Gap