isaac asimov

Not Just LLMs: How Generative AI Will Be Used in the Enterprise

“Someday” is Today To understand generative AI’s potential in the enterprise, it helps to read Isaac Asimov.  Yes, science fiction from way back in the 1940s and 1950s.  For example, Asimov was the one who predicted Big Data.  In his Foundation Trilogy, a certain mathematics professor by the name of Hari Seldon develops a large-scale…


SCET Explains — Connected Cars

In 1953, Isaac Asimov gave life to Sally, a corvette that could communicate and drive itself. 1968 saw Hal, a highly intelligent computer that could operate a large spaceship in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 Space Odyssey. Intelligent cars have long been an aspiration and held a seat in our imaginations, and have now become a reality….