Part of the Learn2Launch Program at Berkeley, “Smart Toothbrush” is working on an innovative, well-researched product that will improve the quality of children’s dental health by making brushing fun and rewarding. This French-based team is here on campus for the semester and is preparing for a launch at CES/Las Vegas in 2017. They are looking for help in the following areas, please contact Leone Williamson with any questions.
- A graphical designer to work on the UI design of our app, as well as on the overall visual identity of our product. We need someone who has skills in 3D graphics, as the app will feature some Augmented Reality components.
- An industrial designer to help with the hardware design. We need someone who understands how to build a product which is ergonomic, and adapted for children.
- An Android developer (still looking!), to put all the different parts together in an app. The mobile development should be fairly simple, as we don’t need any back end, and the app will serve for demo purposes, we don’t need to release it to the Google Play store.